103. The New Online You | 線上全新的你

The New “Online” You

– Musings of Dr. Jamie C. Hsu,  1.3.2021

Do you know that we all look different now because of the pandemic? We interact virtually in a small screen box; we meet in-person hidden behind a face mask. People see more of our eyes, but less of the rest of our bodies. We communicate more with words and voices and less with gestures and touch.

People know more of the “online” you than the real total you. Bosses will evaluate you more by tangible results with data, and less by your behaviors and interpersonal interactions. The once popular 360-degree performance reviews are no longer relevant. Different sets of performance standards and metrics will be developed to assess online workers and students. Are you ready for it?

As the New Year begins, it is a good time to review and reassess the online you: How are you presenting yourself? What is in your social media data? What does the company keep in your personnel file? How are you updating and keeping your network? What portfolio of communication tools are you using? How do you complement the online you with the in-person you?

Here are a few action items you can take:

— Practice and record some online meetings and see how you look and sound to others. Learn to articulate clearly and to use the online meetings effectively.
— Take inventory of your social media content on Facebook, LinkedIn, WeChat, Line, Website, Instagram, etc. The aggregated sum will represent you as a person and employee.
— Clean up your network of contacts and establish priorities and methods for communicating with them. Keep your teachers and bosses apprised of your progress and achievements. Let your family and close friends know of your status. Don’t become a victim of “out of sight, out of mind.”
— Supplement online communication with some individual in-person interactions to present the total you to your colleagues, classmates, teachers and bosses.

This may sound like a lot of work, but it is essential to present yourself properly in the new online and offline world. Good luck and best wishes.


-作者 許俊宸博士

-中譯 薛乃綺



          新的一年開始了,這是一個好時機, 来回顧及評估在線上的你:你如何展示自己?你的社交媒體有什麼樣的數據?公司對於你的個人檔案存放了哪些資訊?你是如何更新及維持你的網絡社交?你使用什麼樣的交流工具?你如何用真實的你來展現加强線上的你?


— 練習並記錄一些線上會議,看看你在別人眼中的形象及聲音;學清晰地表達,有效地利用線上會議

— 盤點一下你在Facebook、LinkedIn、WeChat、Line、網站、及Instagram等社交媒體上的內容。這些總和就是你本人的承现

— 整理你的聯絡人網絡、建立優先級別、以及與他們的溝通方法。讓你的老師及老闆了解你的進步與成就。讓你的家人與密友知道你的狀態。千萬別成為”眼不見為淨”的受害者。

— 在網絡交流的基礎上,再強化地加上一些面對面的溝通,對你的同事、同學、老師或老闆,來展示你這整個人。
